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Security Clearance DisqualifiersGetting a security clearance is a very important part of many federal service jobs and military occupational specialties. Information technology doesn't thing if you are a fellow member of the United States Army, Air Strength, Navy, Coast Guard, or Marine Corps; if you need a security clearance you volition be required to undergo a background check and screening procedure.

That process is a lengthy ane; you volition exist required to provide information about old habitation addresses you may have forgotten, ex-spouses or former colleagues, vehicle ownership, home loans and other debts, medical bills, and other highly detailed data.

There are many misconceptions about this process; many security clearance blogs, federal job blogs, and other publications brand statements that may or may not be 100% true. And there are some realities that some must assume are not true-realities that are learned the difficult mode in sure cases.

One security clearance blog has a postal service that includes the following as related to the question of whether there is an "automatic disqualifier" for security clearances; "Exterior of citizenship, there is merely ane affair that is an automatic disqualifier for obtaining a federal security clearance – that is electric current, ongoing use of an illegal drug."

That article also references something called the Bail Amendment of 2008 which includes four vital areas that can interfere with a security clearance screening. Those include criminal convictions that lead to a prison sentence of a year or longer, receiving a dishonorable discharge, "criminal incompetence," and drug addiction.

The blog refers to "automated disqualifiers" for security clearance applications, but in reality the reason many people may find themselves in problem or needing to provide further information for the security clearance screening has zilch to practice with what that item blog identifies every bit an "automated disqualifier." Information technology tin can be equally uncomplicated as a trouble with personal finances which appears to exist a recurring upshot, personal conduct, etc.

Three Levels Of Security Clearance

At that place are iii levels of clearance;

  • Confidential
  • Underground
  • Height Underground

At whatever level, the security clearance granted allows the war machine fellow member to access things classified at the level the worker holds or below. Top Clandestine is the highest clearance granted and the groundwork bank check and screening process for Summit Secret may be more intensive even if the same data is gathered – the scrutiny on that data may be higher than at the Confidential level.

That is not to imply that requirements are more lax, only rather that the areas that may non get as much scrutiny at the Confidential level may crave supporting documentation and further evolution for those seeking the highest security clearance of the three.

Misconceptions and assumptions about the security clearance screening process tin be problematic at best and lead to a rejection of the security clearance application at worst. What are the top disqualifiers for a security clearance and why are they identified equally such? Whether you are seeking the lowest clearance (Confidential) or the highest (Peak Undercover Security Clearance), the following applies to all.

Dissimilar Security Clearance Approvals

Those who apply for a security clearance, specially a Top Hugger-mugger clearance, are required to renew their clearances from time to time-the specific length of time may vary depending on the government bureau, the level of clearance, and other circumstances.

Those who re-apply for a clearance may or may not exist required (again depending on the nature of the piece of work and the hiring agency's policy) to submit to the same full groundwork check again, but with every renewal of a security clearance, there is always the potential to be denied based on personal behavior and other problems since the last groundwork check was performed.

Frequency of Security Level Clearance Background Checks/Clearance Approval

In general you may notice that for Secret and Top Hole-and-corner security clearances, a new screening may be required in one case every five years, though these policies may vary depending on the nature of the employment, the hiring agency's policies, and federal requirements which are field of study to change.

Things That Can Slow Down The Approval Or Deprival Of A Security Clearance

Regardless of whether the background check/screenings are done initially or as a follow-up, sure things can delay the processing of a security clearance screening. They include incomplete or badly completed application forms, "poorly collected fingerprints," and security clearance checks that involve a great bargain of follow-up over "extensive overseas activities."

Areas that demand farther development including concerns over legal issues, fiscal problems that are difficult to fully investigate, and in some cases criminal records enquiry may as well contribute to a slower process.

Areas Of Concern For Security Clearances

  • Allegiance to the United states
  • Strange Influence
  • Foreign Preference
  • Sexual Behavior
  • Personal Conduct
  • Financial Considerations
  • Alcohol Consumption
  • Drug Involvement
  • Psychological Conditions
  • Criminal Deport
  • Handling Protected Information
  • Outside Activities
  • Use of Information Technology Systems
Security Clearance Jobs

In general, the government granting an individual access to classified information requires an assessment that includes whatsoever factors in a person's life "that could crusade a conflict of interest and place a person in the position of having to choose between his or her commitment to the Usa, including the delivery to protect classified information, and any other compelling loyalty".

That's according to the Department of Defence, which adds that in cases where an individual's background reveals patterns of unreliable or untrustworthy behavior, "questions arise whether the person can exist relied on and trusted to do the responsibility necessary for working in a secure surroundings where protecting classified information is paramount."

One-Time Incidents Versus Life Habits

When it is time for a security clearance screening, the person or persons doing the groundwork cheque are charged with determining if such patterns are life-long habits, the result of circumstances, or other issues.

And the nature of these potentially problematic areas are as well reviewed: credit issues, debt problems, and related issues may be the result of things beyond the debtor's command such as hospital bills or related obligations. One-time credit mistakes or failures require an test of their causes.

One area that tin can be troublesome on a background bank check is financial behavior that indicates the applicant is frequently over-extended on credit, personal debt, etc. Having too much debt and not enough income creates a potential circumstance where those holding security clearances can be compromised.

The presence of debt in and of itself is not the problem; any patterns or life habits that involve fiscal irresponsibility, carelessness, or the ability to place oneself in a position to be compromised? That's a different story when it comes to security clearance disqualifiers.

The Most Common Reason For Being Denied A Security Clearance

In spite of published articles stating that substance use is the "instant disqualifier" for a security clearance, drugs and alcohol are Not the virtually mutual reasons clearances are actually denied. The real culprit behind a big number of unsuccessful applications for a security clearance?

Fiscal issues.

Fiscal considerations are amid the highest causes of having a security clearance application denied. In 2017, the Defence Office of Hearing and Appeals Board heard two,054 appeals from those who were denied a security clearance following the groundwork check; of that number, more 1400 were denied because of financial problems. Compare that to simply roughly 400 appeals for denial of clearance based on personal conduct.

What kinds of problems led to these denials? In general they tin can and oft do include:

  • Poor credit choices over a prolonged menses of fourth dimension;
  • Theft, embezzlement, revenue enhancement evasion, and other financial violations;
  • Recognizable patterns of unpaid debt
  • Recognizable patterns of paying consistently belatedly
  • Recent acquisitions of cash or assets with no supporting documentation;
  • Financial trouble related to gambling or drugs.

Highly-seasoned A Denial Of A Top Surreptitious Security Clearance

According to the official site of the U.S. Department of Country, those denied a security clearance or take had their existing clearance revoked volition be notified of both the reasons why and the availability of an appeal to the decision to deny or revoke the clearance.

"You lot will be given the opportunity to address derogatory information that is provided as the basis for deprival or revocation", the U.Due south Department of Land official site says, but much may depend on the procedures established past the hiring entity.

In other words, in that location is no 1-size-fits-all process, it will be necessary to discuss the state of affairs with the persons responsible for initiating and/or administering both the investigation and the appeals procedure. For assist with any groundwork check issue, information technology volition be necessary to work with the hiring agency.

Getting A Top Secret Security Clearance Reinstated After It Has Been Revoked

For some, it may exist possible to take a revoked clearance reinstated. The investigation that led to the revoked clearance must non out exist of date. A revoked clearance "tin be revalidated by the agency that originally granted the clearance, or information technology can be accepted and reciprocally granted past a different bureau" according to the U.S. Department of State, but with the following caveats:

  • No break in service lasting ii years or more;
  • the requested security clearance level is the same or lower;
  • No significant changes in an individual's situation since the last investigation.

Such reinstatements would be handled on a example-past-case basis and reinstatement of a revoked clearance is not guaranteed. The policies of the hiring agency, changes in federal law, and other variables will also affect whether or not a security clearance reinstatement is possible.

Security Clearance Jobs

About The Author Joe Wallace is a 13-yr veteran of the United states Air Forcefulness and a former reporter for Air Forcefulness Television News
